Pesticides and lowered IQ: Data disturbing

Pesticides and lowered IQ: Data disturbing

At present, the pesticide regulators at the California Department of Pesticide Regulation and our agriculture commissioners in Monterey and Santa Cruz counties have acted much like the state and local regulators in Flint: they have looked the other way, despite surely knowing of the CHAMACOS organophosphate pesticide studies that indicate brain harms to Salinas Valley children.

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Lesson in hypocrisy: A partial list of US invasions and interventions of Mexico and Central America. By Bruce Neuberger, author of Lettuce Wars

For 150 years the U.S. exploiting class has repeatedly sent its troops (illegally) across borders of other nations, occupying countries, imposing unequal treaties and trade agreements, overthrowing and assassinating leaders, imposing their own puppets and pawns, all in order to suck out wealth by ripping off natural resources and enforcing life-sapping cheap labor.

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